
Rachel offers the following speeches and workshops for leaders:


The Emotionally Agile Leader

Leaders face significant cognitive and psychological challenges. They need to make wise decisions under pressure, whilst also staying agile and flexible. Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) has been shown to help leaders to perform well, even in challenging circumstances. This session draws on Rachel’s extensive experience using ACT with senior leaders around the world. Participants will learn:

  • What is emotional agility and why it matters to leaders
  • How to make decisions when the stakes are high
  • A simple tool to increase emotional agility in the moment.


Negotiation Skills for Leaders – Is Win:Win Really Possible?

Negotiation experts talk a lot about win:win negotiation, unfortunately popular advice on how to achieve win:win outcomes is often misleading.

In this session, Rachel will give practical, evidence-based tips for how to get good outcomes in negotiations. Participants will learn:

  • What gets in the way of getting the best result from a negotiation?
  • What behaviours really lead to genuine win:win?
  • Why you need a plan B
  • How to make sure you get a good deal whilst helping others to get what they want.


Leading In Complexity – What To Do When you Feel In Over Your Head

In today’s volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) environment, many leaders often feel in over their heads. Strategies that have been successful when dealing with challenges either no longer work, or are actually counter-productive. In this session, participants will learn some practical strategies for navigating complexity, including how to:

  • Assess a situation –  is this complex or complicated?
  • Design experiments to nudge the system in the right direction
  • Make decisions and take action when cause and effect are unclear
  • Respond when you feel ‘in over your head’.