Leadership Coaching

I work with high potential leaders to help them to achieve meaningful success. Drawing on my knowledge of both what it takes to succeed as a leader and the psychology of behaviour change; I coach my clients to:

  • Increase self-awareness
  • Improve communication and engagement skills
  • Improve decision making skills
  • Get the best from others
  • Negotiate effectively
  • Improve abilities in feedback and delegation
  • Improve professional relationships with key stakeholders
  • Become better leaders and managers
  • Work out the best next step in their career and what they need to do to get there
  • Manage stress effectively and improve resilience
  • Hit the ground running when starting a new position

I particularly specialise in working with leaders to improve their emotional intelligence. I have more than a decade of experience coaching leaders at all levels in a wide range of public and private sector organisations.

As a coach my intention is to help my clients to:

  • Decide what is important to them. What do they want to achieve, both in the time we work together and in the longer term? What would be some markers to help us to measure progress?
  • Identify and build on their strengths
  • Compassionately identify areas where the current approach isn’t working
  • Clarify the current situation – What is going well? What needs to change?
  • Identify any blocks to achieving goals and help them to deal with those blocks
  • Make an action plan and support them to implement the plan.
I use cutting-edge, evidence-based approaches to help my clients to achieve sustained behavioural change; become more effective and achieve their goals.
I keep up to date by reading hundreds of journal articles every year and by attending all manner of training to make sure I am offering the best coaching I possibly can. I recently presented at the ANZ Association of Contextual Behavioral Science on Using Contextual Behavioral Science in Executive Coaching. You can download the session handout here.
I also run specialised workshops for coaches. You can read more about that here.
You can get a better sense of what I am like by reading my blog or signing up for my newsletter (an occasional, evidence based success tip).
Or you could just send me an email and we can have a chat.

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