Contextual Coaching: 8 Week Online Course

Facilitated by Rachel Collis

Use cutting edge behavioural science to increase your impact moment to moment

Become more present, courageous and compassionate in your coaching

Learn powerful tools to create fundamental and lasting shifts in behaviour

Extraordinary coaches help their clients change in fundamental, lasting ways. They have a reputation not only for achieving results – but also for the spirit and integrity with which they approach their work.

Among the most powerful tools for enacting such deep shifts is the coach’s immediate presence, embodying awareness, courage, and compassion in the moment of a coaching session.

This 8 week intensive on-line training will draw on cutting edge behavioural science to teach you the high level coaching skills that differentiate good coaches from extraordinary coaches. We are going to focus on helping you to consistently relate to your clients, in the moment, with deep and powerful authenticity, courage, and compassion. Your capacity to relate powerfully in the moment are SKILLS that can be honed with practice. And they are skills that can’t be faked. You must bring your whole self to these skills. They must be built, therefore, on a strong foundation of self-awareness and personal practice.

For instance, when you relate more compassionately and courageously, you become more able to offer the crucial feedback that the rest of the world avoids giving to your coaching clients. Similarly, to the extent you can walk with your clients into their experience – rather than merely talking about things from a safe distance – you will together find a path forward more grounded in the reality of the struggle. And when your client’s challenges happen in the moment with you – for example, a client who avoids conflict, who then struggles to raise a difficult issue with you or a client whose peers complain he is distant, who comes across as closed off in interactions with you – it is hugely valuable to boldly approach the moment as an example of exactly what you’re working on together.

In all these situations, you must have the perspective and presence to speak the truth in a way that communicates acceptance and unwavering support for the client and their development.

In this group, we will balance didactic and experiential learning to deepen your ability to work boldly in the moment.

This course is strictly limited to only eight participants, to ensure that you get the support needed for you to build these challenging skills.

This 8 week intensive program includes:

  • Weekly online meetings led by the facilitator, Rachel Collis, where you will practice the skills together and the theory will be demonstrated in real time.
  • Two 60 minute individual coaching sessions for each participant with Rachel.
  • Weekly coaching dyads where you will be paired with one of the other participants so that you can practice the skills and give each other meaningful feedback.
  • Weekly readings to build your understanding of the theory and how it applies in practice
  • Activities to do during the week that have been designed to build your own self-awareness, courage and compassion.

Please note this is an advanced coaching skills training for coaches who have already mastered basic coaching techniques.

Also please be aware that this training may at times be challenging – I will invite you to take the same risks and demonstrate the same level of commitment that you will want to encourage in your clients, however you will never be pressured to do any activities that you don’t feel are right for you.

Dates The next 8 week course is TBA (please contact Rachel to register your interest)

Early Bird Price for this 8 week intensive course including two 1:1 coaching sessions – $AU 2500

Strictly limited to 8 participants.

Your Facilitator

Rachel Collis has been described as Australia’s leading authority on the use of ACT in workplace coaching. She has extensive experience providing coaching to leaders, from CEOs to team leaders, in a wide range of industries.  For the last 8 years, she has also taught on the MBA and Executive MBA program in the Graduate School of Business at QUT.

Rachel has presented at both national and international Contextual Behavioural Science (CBS) conferences on a range of topics relating to applying CBS to organisational settings. She co-authors a blog on applying CBS to the workplace ( which was named one of the top 20 positive psychology blogs by

Do feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions about the course. As numbers are strictly limited I do encourage you to register your interest early. We can then have a chat to check that this program is likely to be of benefit to you.