
If you are interested in keeping up to date with the latest research on success then sign up for my newsletter.

Here are some other recommended resources:

Solution Focussed Coaching

Solution focused coaching  helps people get moving quickly. These two short books are excellent.

Conflict Resolution And Negotiation

There are a lot of books on conflict resolution but these are still my favourites. Thompson is the textbook for the negotiation unit I teach on the executive MBA course at QUT

Mediation – Principles, Process, Practice: by Laurence Boulle is a clear and wise description of how to mediate a dispute.

Does gender impact negotiation styles and outcomes in salary negotiations? by Juanita Wheeler

This article was written by one of my Executive MBA students at QUT. It is one of the best explorations I have read on this subject. Juanita is Director, Global Marketing and Market Development, BSD & Asia Pacific at Luminex Corporation.

Positive Psychology and Happiness

There are many excellent books on happiness, my favourites are:

Flow is that state where we are ”in the zone’, so completely absorbed in something that we forget ourselves and forget time.  The more flow we have in our lives the happier we are – so knowing how to create flow is important.

When you are 80 do you want to look back on your life and think ”That was great! Well done me!’? If so, read ‘Ageing Well’ – it is my favourite combination, wisdom backed up by some solid research.

Todd Kashdan skilfully combines positive psychology with ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Training) in this lovely book. 

Todd Kashdan is pushing positive psychology to take a more rigorous scientific approach, these two books are great examples of that.

Web-Based Positive Psychology Resources

There are lots of great free positive psychology tests at the authentic happiness website. You can find out how optimistic you are and take the wonderful VIA character strengths test   

The Value of Positive Emotions by Barbara Fredrickson in American Scientist Vol. 91 2003

Just Turn Up by Georgina Smith – this is a succinct and practical introduction to meditation and includes a lovely CD 

Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) 

Some good ACT-based Self Help Books

Evidence-based Stress Management  Free resources and Australia-wide ACT-training for professionals, with Russ Harris, author of The Happiness Trap  Free resources and public workshops linked to The Happiness Trap, the best-selling ACT-based self-help book (I highly recommend Russ’s work)

and there are more ACT resources at

Management and Leadership

A great textbook covering a wide range of management topics.  

Zenger and Folkman are doing some great work around strength-based leadership development. Their work has significantly impacted my leadership coaching. I love this book.

You can get a copy of my free e-book ‘How to be a Great Manager’ here.

Other Psychology Links

There is a good free personality test at:

It is based on the ‘Big Five’ personality traits – Extroversion,   Openness to experience, Neuroticism, Conscientiousness and Agreeableness.   These traits seem to be consistent throughout our adult lives.

Other Resources

Seth Godin’s Blog – Always thought provoking

A great blog on career change written by my friend, Rob Archer

ACT Therapists

If you are looking for an ACT therapist these people are lovely – (disclaimer here – they are my friends, I have never seen them for therapy but I do know that they are both well trained and good hearted people)

Julie Grove – Psychologist in Sydney

Louise Shepherd at The Sydney ACT Centre

Tania Rotili – Psychologist in Brisbane

NeLi Martin – Psychologist, yoga and meditation teacher, ACT therapist / trainer working in inner north Brisbane.

Jessica Klausen – Psychologist in Western Brisbane

Shelley McQuade – Psychologist in Logan, QLD

Sasha Hardwick – Psychologist and neuropsychologist in Brisbane

Johanna Dean – Psychologist in Tewantin, QLD

Madonna Hirning – Psychologist, Mt Coolum, QLD

Samantha Clarke – Psychologist, Sunshine Coast, QLD

Louise Hayes  – Psychologist in Melbourne, specialising in working with adolescents. Louise has written a self help book for teens.

Joanne Steinwach – Social Worker in Denver, Colorado

Aisling Curtin & Chris McConnell – Psychologists in Ireland